by coachseattle | Aug 21, 2021 | Coaching
Coaching is an industry that has no regulation yet. Anyone can say he/she is a coach and start coaching. So, it IS easy to become a coach. However, it takes training and personal development to become a good coach!
by coachseattle | Jun 20, 2015 | Blog, Business / Marketing / Branding / Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship
Recently, I joined the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce. At the meetings, there were financial folks, business coaches, insurance agents and more. The membership structure is different from BNI, where only one member represents one profession in a group in order to avoid...
by coachseattle | Aug 14, 2014 | Blog, Coaching
Do you have a coach? Are you ready to hire a coach? This blog will share a summary of the information I collected with the intention of giving some guidance to people who are looking for coaches. Who is the right coach for you? Different types of coaches are as...
by coachseattle | Apr 14, 2014 | EI (Emotional Intelligence), Leadership / team / organization, Personal growth & development
Do you like who you are becoming? After two different conversations I had yesterday, I have been thinking about this question. In the first conversation, an authentic dialogue started organically between two strangers over lunch. The young man who talked to me shared...
by coachseattle | Feb 11, 2014 | Blog, Business / Marketing / Branding / Business Strategy, Social Media
What is your most important goal for your business this year? What differentiates you from your competitors? Why would customers pay for your services? These are the questions that your business coach usually asks you at the beginning of the year. These were also the...