Limiting Beliefs
Limiting Beliefs When my daughter was young, our neighbor’s daughter often came over to play. One day, she told my...
What is Intention?
What is Intention? I was shopping in a Chinese bakery over the weekend. Something clicked inside of me when I saw the...
Leadership In recent coaching sessions, I observed different narratives about leadership. I thought now would be a...
Problem-Solving I have been involved in problem-solving and coaching processes for the last few months. My skills have...
Kindness The Chinese saying, "A good heart will receive good karma." is one of my dad's living principles. Watching...
Practices for a Spiritual Life
Practices for a Spiritual Life “Are you a God?” the Buddha was asked. “No,” he replied. “Are you an angel, then?”...
Leadership Development
Leadership Development When we discuss leadership, we tend to tell leaders they should do this or that to become...
Expert Stage in Vertical Development
Expert Stage in Vertical Development We live in a world with many "experts." Sometimes, we appreciate their expertise...
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day Being a mom takes work. There are many transitions in parenting; we go through each with courage...
Curiosity “At its heart, adult development is about inquiry. As we broaden and deepen our inquiry, we become more...