Recently, I joined the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce. At the meetings, there were financial folks, business coaches, insurance agents and more. The membership structure is different from BNI, where only one member represents one profession in a group in order to avoid a conflict of interest. Since I believe that everyone has his/her own marketplace with their own unique offering, I actually enjoy the Chamber of Commerce structure more.
The idea for this post came to me when I started integrating Emergenetics with the communication skills that I am developing for presentations to the Chamber of Commerce.
Based on the assessment tool Emergenetics, we all have our thinking and behavior preferences. For example, I am logical and expressive, my communication style is to speak up and be succinct. I can win the hearts of people who have similar preferences: however, I might lose people who prefer having more data or time to digest the information that I am offering. Only when our verbal and written communication styles work for our target market, can we attract potential clients. When we understand not only our own preferences but those of others as well, we can do a better job communicating.
The book “Made to Stick” suggested “SUCCESS” [Simplicity, Unexpectedness, Concreteness, Credibility, Emotions and Stories] as the critical elements of communicating a sticky idea. The “SUCCESS” formula really meets the demand for all parts of our brain, (i.e., emotional, logical, concrete and abstract) from a neuroscience perspective; the model Emergenetics uses to explain thinking preferences.
Here are some tips to craft a well-designed communication:
Identify your ideal clients:
Describe your ideal clients with the following details: gender, age, profession, preferences, challenges, and expectations.
Speak to your ideal clients:
When you approach your ideal clients, communicate with them based on their learning style and their burning question. You want to present your offer in a way that they understand the value of it and want it.
Know your network:
Get to know your network members: what matters for them; who their ideal clients are and how you may be able to refer them.
Educateyour network:
Share your unique offer with your network so that they know how to refer your service or product when an opportunity is presented.
Call to action:
Make sure that all of your communication has a call to action. It can be as simple as remembering your brand.
Hire a coach:
In order to design a communication, you need to obtain a certain level of self-awareness and social awareness. A coach who is experienced with personal growth could give you a jump start.
Does this article make sense to you? Please share your thoughts and tips!