Communication Meets Thinking Styles I have quite a few clients whose English is their 2nd language. They feel language is a barrier to showing up and want to learn to communicate more effectively. I often tell them language might be a small barrier, and confidence is...
Appreciate Dr. Daniel Siegel’s discussion on how the interplay between our minds, brains, and relationships contributes to our well-being. Mind – the process that regulates the energy information flow Brain – a mechanism by which the energy and...
While getting ready to wrap up my group coaching on Building Resilience, we discussed the importance of physical health and social connections. Exercising, balanced diets, and good sleep form the foundation of our physical health. We live in a toxic world; excess...
I was in a workshop on “Building Authentic Trust” last Friday. I learned that this workshop was less on “trust” and more on our ability to create trust. This was quite a refreshing perspective.I recalled one coaching session I had. My client complained about his group...
We live in a fast changing world. So much information flows in the internet. We work, take care of family or fill our life with a busy schedule. Then, we get overwhelmed and have a lower tolerance to the external environment. Emotions are easily triggered and we...