by coachseattle | Dec 10, 2024 | Personal growth & development
Limiting Beliefs When my daughter was young, our neighbor’s daughter often came over to play. One day, she told my daughter, “I can make messes every day and get paid to clean them up on the weekend.” I still smile whenever I think about that story about allowance. We...
by coachseattle | Nov 25, 2024 | Personal growth & development
What is Intention? I was shopping in a Chinese bakery over the weekend. Something clicked inside of me when I saw the sign, “心想事成.”I have been coaching on intention lately, and this sign beautifully describes it. What is Intention? How does it work? Asked...
by coachseattle | Sep 21, 2024 | Personal growth & development, Reflection
Problem-Solving I have been involved in problem-solving and coaching processes for the last few months. My skills have been improving, but my mind has been unsettling. Today, I drew a card that spoke to my mind about bearing on my experience during the journey. I...
by coachseattle | Aug 4, 2024 | Personal growth & development
Kindness The Chinese saying, “A good heart will receive good karma.” is one of my dad’s living principles. Watching him living self-sufficiently in good health at 95, I witness the power of a good heart. From time to time, I noticed his kindness was...
by coachseattle | May 25, 2024 | Coaching, Personal growth & development
Expert Stage in Vertical Development We live in a world with many “experts.” Sometimes, we appreciate their expertise in solving our problems; sometimes, we are irritated by their ‘one right way’ point of view. In adult development theory,...
by coachseattle | May 12, 2024 | Personal growth & development, Reflection
Happy Mother’s Day Being a mom takes work. There are many transitions in parenting; we go through each with courage and mixed feelings: joy, shock, disappointment, happiness, anger, and fear. From telling transitions to receiving feedback, advising transitions to...