What is Intention?
I was shopping in a Chinese bakery over the weekend. Something clicked inside of me when I saw the sign, “心想事成.”I have been coaching on intention lately, and this sign beautifully describes it.
What is Intention? How does it work? Asked by one of my tech clients.
Intention is a commitment to carry out a specific thought or action. When the determination is in place, It’s a focused energy.
In coaching, setting an intention is a common practice. For example, “I intend to be a good listener in today’s team meeting.” This intention can powerfully impact an expressive leader who wants to hear from his team.
At the same time, well-being and integrity play significant roles in sustaining an intention. When a leader lacks the health or ethical capacity to care for his team, setting the intention to listen in a team meeting will not work. Therefore, successful intention setting requires body, mind, and spirit alignment.