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I am in Camp Brotherhood for a 3-day retreat with the 2012 LMBA class. There are 31 of us merging into a powerful team with different backgrounds, strengths and professions. The Leadership, Team Process and Decision Making class was kicked off during the retreat. It is designed to promote team work, the value of case studies, the decision making process and problem solving skills. We designed the Coat of Arms in small groups while picturing our challenges during the program and our achievements in 2012. Similar designs showed similar minds. Leadership is the theme! How fortunate that I will get to work with these folks in the next two years!

Camp Brotherhood is a beautiful 200 acre retreat center. Green trees, animals, moutains and clouds showed me how to slow down in order to appreciate life in a different perspective. Hiking in the woods to visit a water fall was really fun. On the way, we saw cows loudly and forcefully call their calves back for nursing. At night, we were hanging out and were convinced into joining a mafia game. It was a very interesting game that revealed the humanity of my new friends.


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