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Limiting Beliefs

When my daughter was young, our neighbor’s daughter often came over to play. One day, she told my daughter, “I can make messes every day and get paid to clean them up on the weekend.” I still smile whenever I think about that story about allowance.

We often create narratives about various aspects of our lives. Some narratives can empower us, while others may hold us back. Without recognizing the underlying beliefs, we continue to perceive the world through their lens.

There are some common limiting beliefs.

  • I am not good enough.
  • I am not important.
  • I have to be perfect.
  • I don’t deserve love.
  • I am not safe.
  • It’s out of my control.

I often help my coaching clients uncover their limiting beliefs and explore their impact, which proves more effective than simply listening to and coaching around their narratives.

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