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I was in the "Leading at the Speed of Trust" speech by Stephen Covey. I was deeply inspired. When people live what they preach, I know it because I hear ind feel it. It’s not a speech any more; it’s a sharing from the heart.


I learned

– Trust starts with self-trust.

– It takes risk to trust and it also takes risk not to trust.

– When trust is in place, employees work in a positive energy and are more productive.

– Building trust is the number 1 competency of leadership.

– Character and competency are the two main elements of earning trust.

– Integrity, intent, capability and result are core credibility.

– Listening with the intent to understand instead of the intent of replying can help building trust.

– Starting with trust is a better way to build relationship.


What I am reflecting

– What’s my ability to inspire trust in those around me?

– Do I want to build trust with the ones who are not in alignment with my values?

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