My first Leadership MBA class was completed last Saturday. “Leadership, Team Process and Decision Making “were well organized and received. The 3 day retreat formed a team of 14 women and 17 men for the class of 2012. We did a Leadership Skills Profile assessment to assess our leadership strengths and weaknesses. Goleman’s “Leadership Styles” was discussed. We had a team process discussion after the group projects and team exercises. Team Performance Factors were studied and Tuckman’s “Stage of Group Development” was introduced and explored.
We reviewed various case studies to learn different perspectives of the decision making process. That process went with the book discussion “Justice – What’s the Right Thing to Do” by Michael Sandel. I valued the learning through case analysis, group discussions and organized presentations. I also learned to adapt the gray nature of the case studies – there is no right answer. There is value in a systematic, circumspect decision process.
We learned different models/approaches of moral reasoning and their usefulness in addressing ethical dilemmas in management. We were encouraged to prepare a personal plan to be an ethical leader.
By the end of the course, we were forming into a team that we felt comfortable to work with. This class really brought us together. I was pleasantly surprised to see my peer Yosh in the TMBA class. It’s comforting to know that I can walk to the next building to get some immediate support!
At the same time, baby Aaker was born during the course, while the proud dad, Folkman, was busy with his homework. The new addition marks a great start for the program and symbolizes; a lot of work!!