by coachseattle | Jun 25, 2023 | Coaching, Personal growth & development, Reflection
Coaching as a Profession Coaching is an unregulated profession. Everyone can claim to be a coach. Many people jumped onto the wagon with little training. When untrained coaches floated the market, I was concerned about consumers and the profession’s reputation....
by coachseattle | Jun 14, 2023 | Change, Coaching
Five Maturities for Being More and Doing Les Today (6/14/23), I attended a webinar on “Do Less, Be More: Why you need the five maturities” by David Drake. David proposed 5 maturities to support a coach, from being good to great. They are personal maturity, spiritual...
by coachseattle | Jun 1, 2023 | Coaching, EI (Emotional Intelligence)
Raise Self-Awareness through Subconscious Mind Work Last month, many of my coaching sessions were focused on deepening the understanding of emotions’ impacts on personal and professional life. When noticing What has triggered an emotion? What emotion is triggered?...
by coachseattle | May 25, 2023 | Coaching, Leadership / team / organization
Coaching Leaders – Manager as Coach I am coaching a group of leaders on “Manager as Coach” in a 6-week program. They are curious and inquisitive, making learning more fun and insightful. In yesterday’s session, we reflected on their Active Listening homework. The...
by coachseattle | Apr 16, 2023 | Coaching, Health and wellness
Energy and Resilience Three clients asked me how to raise their energy levels this week. This is a short list I offered to them. Good health – exercising, eating well, and sleeping well will increase our energy levels. Sickness will bring our energy level down....
by coachseattle | Apr 2, 2023 | Coaching
Asynchronous Coaching on Social Media A graduate student wanted to interview me for his master’s thesis about asynchronous coaching on social media. “What an interesting topic! Sure!” I agreed right away. We met over Zoom. His question was – “Can Online...