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Five Maturities for Being More and Doing Less

Five Maturities for Being More and Doing Less

Five Maturities for Being More and Doing Les Today (6/14/23), I attended a webinar on “Do Less, Be More: Why you need the five maturities” by David Drake. David proposed 5 maturities to support a coach, from being good to great. They are personal maturity, spiritual...
Energy and Resilience

Energy and Resilience

Energy and Resilience Three clients asked me how to raise their energy levels this week. This is a short list I offered to them. Good health – exercising, eating well, and sleeping well will increase our energy levels. Sickness will bring our energy level down....
Asynchronous Coaching on Social Media

Asynchronous Coaching on Social Media

Asynchronous Coaching on Social Media A graduate student wanted to interview me for his master’s thesis about asynchronous coaching on social media. “What an interesting topic! Sure!” I agreed right away. We met over Zoom. His question was – “Can Online...